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Software Development

Advanced Configuration of PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 22.04

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We hope that you have gone through the basic installation and setup required for PostgreSQL before moving on to the advanced concepts mentioned in this article. If not, feel free to check out our How to Install and Configure PostgreSQL on Ubuntu guide and then return to this article.  

With PostgreSQL successfully installed on your Ubuntu 22.04 system, it's time to tailor the configuration to suit your specific needs. Understanding and tweaking PostgreSQL settings ensures optimal performance and security. Let's delve into the configuration process:

Understanding PostgreSQL Configuration Files:

  • PostgreSQL configuration files, located in the /etc/postgresql/<version>/main directory, hold key settings.
  • postgresql.conf: Controls global settings like connection limits and logging.
  • pg_hba.conf: Manages client authentication rules.

Modifying postgresql.conf

Open the configuration file using a text editor.

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