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Software Development

How to Install Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (ELK Stack) on Ubuntu

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ELK Stack, is a dynamic trio of open-source tools designed for unparalleled log management and data analytics. ELK, an acronym for Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana, comprises three essential components, each playing a pivotal role in seamlessly collecting , processing , and visualizing data.

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Role : A distributed search and analytics engine.

Functionality : Elasticsearch excels in storing and indexing data, offering swift searches, advanced analytics, and comprehensive visualization capabilities. Its robust features support full-text search, structured queries, and real-time analytics.


Role : A versatile data processing pipeline.

Functionality : Logstash takes centerstage in collecting, processing, and transferring data from diverse sources to Elasticsearch. Its prowess lies in handling various input formats, applying filters for parsing and enriching data, and seamlessly transporting it to Elasticsearch for indexing.


Role : An intuitive data visualization and exploration tool.

Functionality : Kibana provides a user-friendly web interface to interact with data stored in Elasticsearch. Users can effortlessly create dashboards, employ charts and graphs for data visualization, and explore indexed data. Kibana is the go-to solution for monitoring, troubleshooting, and analyzing log data.

This powerful synergy of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana forms an indispensable stack for organizations seeking superior log management, real-time analytics, and visualization. Widely embraced across industries such as IT operations, security, and business intelligence, the ELK Stack empowers users to derive valuable insights from vast datasets generated by systems, applications, and devices. Furthermore, its inherent flexibility allows for seamless customization and expansion by integrating additional plugins and components tailored to specific needs . Elevate your data analytics game with the ELK Stack!

Let’s Get Started

Before embarking on the installation journey, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Ubuntu 22.04Server Setup :
    Have an Ubuntu 22.04 server at your disposal equipped with a robust configuration , boasting 4GB RAM and a dual-core processor. Ensure it's configured with anon-root sudo user for enhanced security.
  • OpenJDK 11Installation :
    Make sure OpenJDK 11 is installed on your Ubuntu server. If you haven't done this yet, refer to the comprehensive guide on installing OpenJDK 11 on Ubuntu for step-by-step instructions. This ensures that your server is equipped with the Java Development Kit necessary for the upcoming tasks.
  • Nginx Configuration :
    Nginx, the high-performance web server, is a crucial component. Ensure it's installed and configured on your server. Nginx will serve as the gateway, enhancing the performance and security of your applications.

Step 1 — Elasticsearch Installation and Configuration

When installing Elasticsearch on Ubuntu ,note that its components aren't in the default repositories. To set it up securely, import the Elasticsearch GPG key using cURL, ensuring package authenticity. Use the Elastic package source list to install Elasticsearch via APT, bolstering your system's security.

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