E-Commerce Platform for Classifieds: Amazon, eBay like Buy-Sell-Trade Products and More

Dynamic Digital Furniture Assembly Manuals

Business Industry: eCommerce and Retail

Services: Web Application, Mobile Apps, Backend and APIs, Cloud Computing

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E-Commerce Platform for Classifieds: Amazon, eBay like Buy-Sell-Trade Products and More

Step into the forefront of eCommerce innovation with our case study on the classic eCommerce Platform. Similar features like Amazon and eBay, our platform redefines the online shopping experience through cutting-edge and smart technology. This study delves into how we transforms product buy-sell-rent-trade dynamics, enhances user engagement, and optimises the entire eCommerce ecosystem.

Total transaction amount on the platform
Revenue earned from transaction fees
Number of registered users on the platform


In the realm of commerce, effective communication and negotiation are vital for business success. However, obstacles like the absence of streamlined search functionality, intricate product listing procedures, and Product category management difficulties can hinder smooth operations. Overcoming these challenges necessitates strategic measures to boost organizational efficiency and optimize communication channels for seamless negotiations, ensuring competitiveness and responsiveness to consumer needs.

  • Facilitating Communication and Negotiation
  • Lack of Streamlined Search Functionality
  • Complex Product Listing Procedures
  • Difficulty in Managing Product categories


Discover the redefining electronics commerce with seamless communication with buyers and sellers, robust search, and intuitive product management. Experience secure, efficient buying and selling through our advanced messaging, streamlined creation tools, and optimized ads. Join us in revolutionizing online trade for unparalleled satisfaction.

  • Secure In-App Messaging and Negotiation Tools
  • Advanced Search and Saved Search Functionality
  • Streamlined Product Creation and Management Workflow
  • Optimizing Dynamic Product Ads Display
  • Alerts and Notifications

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