Automation of Google workspace workflow

Web & Mobile Application

Foresight is a tool for automating workflows in Google Workplace, without writing any code. Admins, and users of Google Workspace are able to create automated workflows and procedures. Users of the platform can streamline and automate operations, which reduces time spent on administrative tasks and boosts productivity



Foresight provides several additional features through Google Cloud Workspace services with the help of a few simple adjustments. By assisting our customers in developing and overseeing complicated procedures, we helped the creation of the foresight product. With our solution linked with Google workplace workflows, organizations can streamline their everyday operational processes and activities by using automated processes.


Key Features

Google mobile device management without code export

Google administrators and users may collaborate more effectively through the Foresight platform. Without programming, it makes things simpler to export mobile devices to Google Workspace. You can view details about a device's compassion, security, users’ contacts information, and installed applications using Google mobile device management.


Bulk show or hide users in google workspace though automation

This allows customization and complex workflow design possibilities along with simple bulk management of user visibility. For greater security, IT administrators may choose which user's information is shared in the directory. Hiding an individual from the directory additionally prevents their profile information from automatically appearing in Gmail and Calendar as well as showing up in other users' Contacts Manager. Overall, this method can speed up productivity, improve security for data on user profiles within an organization, and saves time.

In-depth automation for creating Google groups in bulk

Through forums and group discussions, Google Groups is a communication tool made available by Google that enables interaction between people and organizations. Users can read the material, join groups, and start new groups. The ability to add and remove members, as well as designate additional admins, belongs to the admins. The Foresight automation tool can be used to create and delete Google Groups with beneficial features in addition to utilizing the Google Admin Console and Groups interface.


Google workspace Bulk data transfer automation

When an individual departs an organization, valuable organizational data might be lost. IT administrators can change the settings and remove the former employee from the Google Admin Console in order to prevent this by backing up the data and transferring it to the new employee's Google Workspace account. Additionally, administrators have the option of transferring email details to another user through address mapping or the Google Workspace data migration service. This enables businesses to manage, recover, and avoid the loss of important emails.

Automation of Bulk update using drag and drop functionality

This drag-and-drop functionality makes the entire process automated and simple. When done through the Google Administrator Console, updating employee information and notifying supervisors at the same time can be laborious and time-consuming. With Foresight, you can bulk upload employee data without writing a single line of code.


Technologies We Use



















Aws sdk



In certain European countries, bicycles are a major mode of transportation, and require better management just like you would with a car. We helped our client in solving the problem and hassles involved in managing car ownership by building a platform that can cover everything from registration, maintenance, insurance and much more. We added features such as text alert, live chat, data reports, map based locator and online support like theft reporting to help provide customers the complete package under one app. You think it, we can build it!





Why they’re fond of us?

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A reliable and flexible technical partner, Zignuts Technolab enables a scalable development process. The team offers a comprehensive array of expertise and scalability that yields an optimized ROI. Direct contact with specialists maintains a seamless workflow and clear communication.


Technical Architect
Blockchain-based Real Estate Platform Company, Belgium

Zignuts Technolab transformed our platform by simplifying code, redesigning key aspects, and adding new features, all within impressive timelines. Their project management and communication were exceptional.


Managing Director
Automobile Company, UAE

Zignuts team has been instrumental in our platform’s development including backend, frontend and mobile apps, delivering excellent functionality and improving speed over time. Their project management, pricing and communication are top-notch.


AI-Based Fintech Startup, UK

Zignuts has delivered excellent quality in developing our website and mobile apps. Their genuine interest in our business and proactive approach have been impressive.


Technical Architect
Blockchain-based Real Estate Platform Company, Belgium

Their team's dedication and knowledge in handling our relocation information platform made the collaboration seamless and productive. Highly recommend their services.


CEO & Founder
Social Community Platform, Germany

Zignuts Technolab provided highly skilled full-stack developers who efficiently handled complex tasks, from backend development to payment gateway integration. Their responsiveness and quality of work were outstanding.


Chief Product Officer
Enterprise Solutions, Jordan

Zignuts Technolab has been highly efficient and responsive in developing our rewards and wellness app. Their ability to integrate feedback quickly and their solid expertise make them a great partner.


Wellness Startup, Thailand